Women today juggle with many activities. Working women with a high demanding job to housewives can’t escape the stress that comes with their tasks. The pressures may be different but the stress is high regardless of what their day-to-day routines involve for both working and nonworking women. One of the things that is ignored and neglected the most, while making sure every tasks gets done, is sleep.

Women keep a track of everything but give very less thought to signs that could be signal for sleep disorders. Sleep disorders are especially prevalent during their postmenopausal years. Lack of sleep may not be a serious issue in most cases but when it starts affecting the daily functioning, relationships and the general sense of wellbeing it is best to get professional help.

Sleep Apnea is uncommon in young women but more common in postmenopausal women. This may be related to falling progesterone levels. Younger women who experience surgical menopause are also at increased risk of developing Sleep Apnea. Signs of Sleep Apnea include loud snoring during sleep and excessive daytime sleepiness. It is important to remember that snoring can be a warning symptom of underlying sleep apnea and not a sign of ‘sound sleep’!

In the meanwhile women can take a few steps in their post menopausal yearsto avoid any serious sleep disorders and promote better sleep.

• Maintain a comfortable, safe environment in the bedroom; reduce disturbing noise and extreme temperature.
• Go to bed and get up at the same time every day.
• Avoid staying in bed late in the morning to make up for sleep loss
• Get up early in the morning and maintain structure daily activity.
• Consider an afternoon nap at a regular time.
• Stay away from fatty, spicy foods that are likely to cause indigestion or heartburn.
• Seek medical advice if following these measures does not alleviate excessive daytime sleepiness.

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